{the calm lab}

Community-based researcher+Yun Garrison+Psychologist

Thank you for visiting my research lab webpage. I am Yun Garrison. As a researcher and the director of {the calm lab}, I work with community partners and students on projects that share the voices and experiences of those resisting oppression and seeking healing, well-being, and community knowledge.


The mission of {the calm lab} is to support the psychological and vocational well-being of communities with histories of marginalization and oppression, acknowledging the ongoing nature of these challenges and promoting community-ground knowledge and system-level transformation.


To achieve this mission, the research process and projects of the {the calm lab} are guided by Community, Acompañamiento, Liberation, and Multicultural research paradigms:


We focus on documenting and amplifying the voices of the communities that want change. 


We work with community partners and those who share their knowledge with us.   


We use psychology to empower people to live with joy, fullness, and self-determination. 


We challenge dominant narratives that uphold oppression and block pathways to well-being.


Yun Garrison, Ph.D.

Lab Director 

Thank you for exploring my work as a researcher. I am the founder and director of {the calm lab}. As a tenure-track assistant professor of Psychology at Bates College, my role consists of equal parts: research, teaching, and community engagement.

Research Interests

  • Community-engaged methodology with people from the Global South and East

  • Narrative and art-based research methodology

  • Myth of American meritocracy

  • Asian American/immigrant psychotherapy

  • Psychological and vocational well-being among people with marginalized identities and histories

  • Clinical and professional development among international trainees in mental health

Vyshu Viju | Lab Member 


I’ve lived in many places, so it’s hard to choose just one as home, but if I had to pick, Atlanta, Georgia, feels the most like home to me.

Research Interest/Projects:

I'm a junior at Bates College, majoring in Neuroscience and Psychology. My academic interests lie at the intersection of these fields, with a particular focus on reproductive justice, including topics like abortion and adoption, as well as addiction, particularly substance abuse. I'm also deeply engaged in feminist and queer theory and have a strong interest in the history of countercultural movements, especially those of the 1960s. I am currently working on the South Asian Reproductive Justice Project. After college, I’m considering pursuing a Master’s and Ph.D. in Neuroscience or Psychology, or potentially exploring a career in Social Work. I’m still exploring my options, though.


Beyond academics, I enjoy reading, writing, hiking, camping, dancing, knitting, and participating in theatre. I'm also passionate about gardening and landscaping. 

Alex Kani | Lab Member 


San Mateo, California 

Research Interest/Project:

I am a sophomore at Bates College, planning to major in psychology. Specifically, I’m particularly interested in clinical, cultural, and cognitive psychology. My goal for participating in this lab is to learn more so that I can give back to the community and hone in on my interests. Currently, I’m working on projects in the lab that involve reexamining literature about suicide prevention and intervention for seasonal and migrant farmworkers from the Global South and exploring reproductive justice issues concerning South Asian Americans.


In my free time, I enjoy reading, playing soccer, and, more recently, cooking. One of my hobbies right now is knitting. I am currently knitting a scarf for my youngest brother. My comfort food is Annie's mac and cheese specifically the white cheddar one.

Sam Gerry | Lab Member 


Woburn, Massachusetts 

Research Interest/Projects:

I'm a senior at Bates majoring in psychology. My research interests lie in self-injurious behaviors (i.e., suicide and non-suicidal self-injury), critical psychology/psychiatry, and cultural psychology. Specifically, I'm interested in better understanding contemporary suicide prevention practices that may inadvertently harm suicidal individuals. I plan on pursuing a career in suicidology following my undergraduate studies. As a member of the lab, I worked on a project on Asian multilingual clients’ experiences in psychotherapy. Currently, I am focusing on my senior thesis project on theories of suicide and their application to racial minority college students.

Yuna Wu | Lab Member 


I grew up in Changsha, China, a place I believe has the best food in the world. Maine has become my second hometown, as I’ve lived here for about six years. I arrived during my sophomore year of high school and continued my education at Bates College.

Research Interests/Projects:
I am a senior at Bates College, double majoring in Psychology and Economics. My research interests lie in cognitive psychology, and I currently work as a research assistant in Professor Kahan's visual awareness lab. Additionally, I assist Professor Yun Garrison with the Multicultural Dialogue Project, supporting international students in Maine. I am passionate about behavioral economics, which sits at the intersection of both fields, and I aim to contribute to policies that address irrational behaviors. After college, I plan to enter the consulting industry, specifically economic consulting. I also have a strong interest in marketing.

I love dancing and co-founded Ace+, a dance club on campus. We hold weekly workshops and are preparing for a performance in November. I am also an amateur photographer, capturing beautiful moments and people, which helps me appreciate the world from different perspectives.

Fernando Rojas | Lab Member 

Hometown: Bristol, Pennsylvania

Research Interests/Project: I am a 2022 Bates College graduate who majored in Psychology, minored in Spanish, and concentrated in Digital and Computational Studies. Since graduation, I have worked full-time at Bates, with my current position being a Coordinator of Residence Life. My research interests include the connections among behavior change, civic engagement, ethnic and racial identities, well-being dimensions, and other related topics. I am particularly interested in translating interdisciplinary research into practical solutions, such as social policies, training programs, and interventions that create meaningful change. 

In the lab, I contribute to the Multicultural Dialogue Project to support students of color. Additionally, I assist in conducting literature reviews focused on suicide prevention approaches for people from the Global South. Looking ahead, I plan to continue working in research to hone my specific areas of interest before pursuing a graduate degree in psychology or an interdisciplinary program.

Hobbies: Soccer is my biggest hobby–both playing and learning about the game. I coach the Bates Club Soccer Team and avidly follow FC Barcelona and Arsenal FC. Outside of soccer, I enjoy reading non-fiction, working out, and caring for my collection of 11 plants.

Lab Alumni

  • Sanika Shah, Center for Peace, Equity and Justice Specialist for Diversity, Equity, and Belonging at Friends Seminary, NY
  • Sevigne Pak, A&D Trade Sales at Lekker Home, MA
  • Sean Vaz, Clinical Social Work Master's Program at Teachers College, Columbia University, NY
  • Tianqi (Cheryl) Jiao, Computational Social Science Master's Program at University of Chicago, IL
  • Chris Draper, Athletic Counseling Master's Program at Springfield College, MA
  • Danielle Reeves, Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Program at Boston College, MA
  • Selam Murphy
  • Jacey Song
  • Michelle Kim
  • Benjamin Conner, Clinical Social Work Master's Program at Teachers College, Columbia University, NY
  • Angela Craddock
  • Paige Sonoda, The Asian/Pacific Islander Domestic Violence Resource Project (DVRP), DC
  • Fiki Hunt, The Tree Street Youth, ME 
  • Ron Do | Đỗ Đạt Thức, Research Assistant at Boston University, MA
  • Tamaki Hashiramoto | Boston Children’s Hospital, MA
  • Junsung Jeon | Junior at Bates College


{the calm lab} is currently working on the following projects:

Community-Engaged Projects

Asian American Psychotherapy Projects

  • Asian multilingual clients’ experiences in monolingual psychotherapy

  • Filipinx relational knowing and empathy: Pakikiramdam in psychotherapy

  • Korean relational knowing and attunement: Nunchi in psychotherapy 

Culture, Identity, Ideology, and System Projects

  • South Asian American reproductive justice

  • Deconstructing meritocracy: Social class privilege and marginalization

  • Voices of students of color: transforming undergraduate psychology curriculum


Meritocracy and Social Class Research

April 14, 2022

The Meritocracy and Social Class Research Team has been working on conducting interviews focusing on how college students make sense of meritocracy and social class-related privileges and marginalization. Chris, Sarah, and Tamaki have been contributing to the research project. On August 4, 2023, Chris presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Washington D.C. 

Students of Color Feedback on Psychology Curriculum

July 14, 2024 

The Psychology Curriculum and Students of Color Research Team has interviewed students of color in various undergraduate institutions to discuss their experiences with the psychology curriculum. Tamaki and Ron presented the research findings at the American Psychological Association (APA) Division 45 Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race Research Conference in San Diego, CA. 

Multilingual Asian Clients & Psychotherapy

September 30, 2022 & July 15, 2023

Sam, Tamaki, and Ron have worked on the Multilingual Asian Psychotherapy Research Project. Sam worked as a Bates Summer Research Fellow in 2022 and presented at the poster session on September 30, 2022. Tamaki and Ron had the opportunity to present the research at the Biennial American Psychological Association (APA) Division 45 Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race Research Conference in July 2023 in San Diego, CA. 

Therapeutic Nunchi: Exploring the Unspoken

April 14, 2022

The Nunchi Research Team worked on defining and exploring the meaning of Nunchi, a Korean cultural concept in human relationships, and its potential application to psychotherapy. Sevigne, Chris, and Michelle contributed to analyzing and summarizing the data by using Grounded Theory. We celebrated our progress! 

Women of Color Group Therapy

March 31, 2022

One of {the calm lab} projects, the Women of Color Group Therapy Research Project, was finished thanks to the hard work of Cheryl, Sanika, Danielle, and Selam. We recently finalized the results of the data analysis based on our coding and the external reviewers' feedback. We published the work in Journal of Counseling Psychology. 

Digital Storytelling of Multiracial Asian Americans

February 24-26, 2022

Paige Sonoda presented her thesis project. She spoke about "Liberatory Digital Storytelling: Sharing Stories of Multiracial Asian Americans" at the 39th Winter Roundtable Conference in Psychology and Education at Columbia University Teachers College, New York City, NY (Virtual Conference due to the COVID-19 Pandemic).

Students’ Epistemic Liberation in Psychology 

July 8-10, 2021

Yun Garrison, Sanika Shah, Paige Sonoda, Ben Conner, and Lauryn Mandy presented "Liberation Psychology: Students’ Epistemic Liberation in a Psychology Course." The presentation was part of the program at the American Psychological Association Division 45: Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race, Ann Abor, MI (Virtual Conference due to the COVID-19 Pandemic).

Racial Trauma and Healing for Juvenile Deliquents

February 24-26, 2022

Danielle Reeves gave a poster presentation at the Annual Winter Roundtable at Columbia University Teachers College based on her thesis project. She spoke about “The Pathway for Racial Trauma and Healing for Juvenile Deliquents Model” (Virtual Conference due to the COVID-19 Pandemic).


The publication lists below include Yun Garrison’s scholarly records, featuring 41 published articles in peer-reviewed journals. Some of them include {the calm lab} members’ co-authorship. Please explore them by topic or by year when the research article became available. 

  • Garrison, Y. L. Ali, S. R., & Mahatmya, D. (2024). Work hope among rural Latinx and White youth: The role of beliefs in a just America, class inequality, and educational meritocracy. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.

    Garrison, Y. L., Rice, A., & Liu, W. M. (2021). The American Meritocracy Myth Stress Scale (AMMSS): Scale development and initial validation. The Counseling Psychologist, 49(1), 80-105.

    Garrison, Y. L., Liu, W. M., Yeung, C. W., Park, S., Sahker, E., & Conrad, M. (2017). The meaning of hakbeol within the context of educational meritocracy and prestige among South Korean college students. Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling, 7, 105-121.

    Garrison, Y. L., Kim, J. Y. C., & Liu, W. M. (2018). A qualitative study of Korean men experiencing stress due to nonprestigious hakbeol. The Counseling Psychologist, 46, 786-813.

  • Garrison, Y. L., Her, J., Kim, T., Kim, H. J. (in press). Vocational experiences of Korean women with a high school diploma: Insights into work precarity and social marginalization. Journal of Career Assessment.

    Jung, A.-K., & Garrison, Y. L. (2022). The Korean version of the Classism Experiences Questionnaire-Academe. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. Advance online publication.

    An, H. Y., Goodyear, R. K., Seo, Y. S., Garrison, Y. L., Baek, K. Y., & Cho, H. J. (2020). Supervisor style as a predictor of relationship quality and supervisee satisfaction: Perceptions of U.S. and South Korean supervisees. Asia Pacific Education Review, 21, 487-504.

    Garrison, Y. L., Kim, J. Y. C., & Liu, W. M. (2018). A qualitative study of Korean men experiencing stress due to nonprestigious hakbeol. The Counseling Psychologist, 46, 786-813.

    Garrison, Y. L., Lee, K.-H., & Ali, S. R. (2017). Career identity and life satisfaction: The mediating role of tolerance for uncertainty and positive/negative affect. Journal of Career Development, 44, 516-529.

    Garrison, Y. L., & Lee, K. H. (2017). Meaning in life among Korean college students based on emotionality and tolerance of uncertainty. Personality and Individual Differences, 112, 26-30.

    Park, S., Loh, Y., Cho, E., & Lee, D.-G. (2011). Differences in interpersonal problems and happiness by the subgroups of anger expression styles. Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, 25(3), 77-92.

  • Garrison, Y. L., Tang, S. S., Lee, A. B. (2024). Liberation psychology perspectives for Asian Americans. Journal of Health Service Psychology.

    * Kleinbardt, H., Garrison, Y. L., & Blankenau, A. (2024). Transracial and transnational adoption in children’s literature: Implications for Asian American adoptees’ representation, cultural authenticity, and identity. Adoption Quarterly.

    Garrison, Y. L., Kim, T., Son, Y., Aldrich, C., Ali, S. R., & *Jiao T. (2023). Fluent or discriminated? English language and career learning experiences among Asian international students. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 1-12. Advance online publication.

    Wang, K., Andres, C., Ho, Y. C. S., Garrison, Y. L., & Kivlighan III, D. M. (2023). Asian international psychotherapist’s experiences of client’s microaggression in therapy, Psychotherapy, 60(4), 442-454.

    *Sonoda, P. T., & Garrison, Y. L. (2023). Storytelling for Asian-White Multiracial American college students’ racial identity. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Advance online publication.

    Sahker, E., Park, S., Garrison, Y. L., Yeung, C. W., Luoa, Y., Arndt, S., & Furukawa. T. A. (2021). State population indices predict Asian American and Pacific Islander successful substance use treatment completion: Initial exploratory observations. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 21(4), 1485–1500.

    Park, S., Garrison, Y. L., & Liu, W. M. (2020). Career decision ambiguity tolerance of Asian men in the United States. Journal of Career Development, 47(6), 641-656.

    Garrison, Y. L., Sahker, E., Yeung, C. W., Park, S. & Arndt, S. (2019). Asian American and Pacific Islander substance use treatment completion. Psychological Services, 16(4), 636–646.

    Sahker, E., Yeung, C., Garrison, Y. L., Park, S., & Arndt, S. (2017). Asian American and Pacific Islanders substance use treatment admission trends. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 171, 1-8.

  • Garrison, Y. L. Ali, S. R., & Mahatmya, D. (2024). Work hope among rural Latinx and White youth: The role of beliefs in a just America, class inequality, and educational meritocracy. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.

    Garrison, Y. L., Ali, S. R., Lin, C. R., Kim, J. C., & Heshmati, S. (2021). Healthcare career intervention with youth in a predominantly Latinx rural community: A pilot study of a creative approach. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. 21(3), 589–606.

    Garrison, Y. L., Ali, S. R., Lin, C. R., Kim, J. C., & Heshmati, S. (2021). Healthcare career intervention with youth in a predominantly Latinx rural community: A pilot study of a creative approach. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Advance online publication.

    Ali, S. R., Pham, A. Z., Garrison, Y. L., & Brown, S. D. (2019). Project HOPE: Sociopolitical development and SCCT beliefs of Latinx and White rural middle school students. Journal of Career Development, 46, 410-424.

    Ali, S. R., Brown, S. D., Loh, Y. (2017). Project HOPE: Evaluation of health-career education programming for Latino and rural youth. Career Development Quarterly, 65, 57-71.

  • Kim, T., Garrison, Y. L., & Xiang, Z. [These authors are equal contributors and first authors.] (in press). The Lotus Clinical Supervision Model for Linguistically Marginalized International Trainees. The Counseling Psychologist

    Wang, K., Andres, C., Ho, Y. C. S., Garrison, Y. L., & Kivlighan III, D. M. (2023). Asian international psychotherapist’s experiences of client’s microaggression in therapy, Psychotherapy, 60(4), 442-454.

    Garrison, Y. L., *Jiao, T., *Vaz, S., *Shah, S., *Reeves, D., *Murphy, S., Lin, C., & *Pak, S. (2023). A qualitative study of women of color group psychotherapists: The wellspring of collective healing. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 70(1), 1–15.

    Garrison, Y. L., Yeung, C. W., Ho, Y. C. S., Hong, J., Son, Y., Lin, C.-L. R., & Bermingham, C. (2022). Linguistic minority international counseling psychology trainees’ experiences in clinical supervision. TThe Counseling Psychologist, 50(6), 813–844.

Selective Research Articles By Themes

  • 2024

    Kim, T., Garrison, Y. L., & Xiang, Z. [These authors are equal contributors and first authors.] (in press). The Lotus Clinical Supervision Model for Linguistically Marginalized International Trainees. The Counseling Psychologist

    Garrison, Y. L., Her, J., Kim, T., Kim, H. J. (in press). Vocational experiences of Korean women with a high school diploma: Insights into work precarity and social marginalization. Journal of Career Assessment.

    Garrison, Y. L., Cadenas, G. A. & Ali, S. A. (2024). A framework of community-engaged vocational research methodologies: Liberatory perspectives. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 149.

    Garrison, Y. L., Tang, S. S., Lee, A. B. (2024). Liberation psychology perspectives for Asian Americans. Journal of Health Service Psychology.

    Garrison, Y. L. Ali, S. R., & Mahatmya, D. (2024). Work hope among rural Latinx and White youth: The role of beliefs in a just America, class inequality, and educational meritocracy. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.

    Garrison, Y. L., Luo, Y., & Sahker, E. (2024).Integration of substance use disorder treatment in traditional mental health facilities: Timeseries and cross-sectional evaluations. International Journal of Drug Policy, 124, 1-7.

    * Kleinbardt, H., Garrison, Y. L., & Blankenau, A. (2024). Transracial and transnational adoption in children’s literature: Implications for Asian American adoptees’ representation, cultural authenticity, and identity. Adoption Quarterly.


    Garrison, Y. L., Kim, T., Son, Y., Aldrich, C., Ali, S. R., & *Jiao T. (2023). Fluent or discriminated? English language and career learning experiences among Asian international students. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 1-12. Advance online publication.

    Wang, K., Andres, C., Ho, Y. C. S., Garrison, Y. L., & Kivlighan III, D. M. (2023). Asian international psychotherapist’s experiences of client’s microaggression in therapy, Psychotherapy, 60(4), 442-454.

    Garrison, Y. L., *Jiao, T., *Vaz, S., *Shah, S., *Reeves, D., *Murphy, S., Lin, C., & *Pak, S. (2023). A qualitative study of women of color group psychotherapists: The wellspring of collective healing. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 70(1), 1–15.

    *Sonoda, P. T., & Garrison, Y. L. (2023). Storytelling for Asian-White Multiracial American college students’ racial identity. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Advance online publication.


    Jung, A.-K., & Garrison, Y. L. (2022). The Korean version of the Classism Experiences Questionnaire-Academe. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. Advance online publication.

    Ali, S. R., Drustrup, D., Garrison, Y. L., & Mahatmya, D. (2022). Economic justice and vocational psychology: Towards community change.Journal of Career Assessment. 30(3), 436-454.

    Garrison, Y. L., Yeung, C. W., Ho, Y. C. S., Hong, J., Son, Y., Lin, C.-L. R., & Bermingham, C. (2022). Linguistic minority international counseling psychology trainees’ experiences in clinical supervision. The Counseling Psychologist.

    Garrison, Y. L., Park, S., Yeung, C. W., Li, Z., Ho, Y. C. S., & Chang-Tran, J. (2023). The social class worldviews of Chinese international students in the United States. Journal of International Students13(1).


    Garrison, Y. L., Ali, S. R., Lin, C. R., Kim, J. C., & Heshmati, S. (2021). Healthcare career intervention with youth in a predominantly Latinx rural community: A pilot study of a creative approach. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. 21(3), 589–606.

    Garrison, Y. L., Rice, A., & Liu, W. M. (2021). The American Meritocracy Myth Stress Scale (AMMSS): Scale development and initial validation. The Counseling Psychologist, 49(1), 80-105.

    Ali, S. R., Garrison, Y. L., Dawson, D. A, & Cervantes, Z., M. (2021). Sociopolitical development and healthcare career interests, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations among rural youth. The Counseling Psychologist. Advance online publication.

    Sahker, E., Park, S., Garrison, Y. L., Yeung, C. W., Luoa, Y., Arndt, S., & Furukawa. T. A. (2021). State population indices predict Asian American and Pacific Islander successful substance use treatment completion: Initial exploratory observations. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. Advance online publicaation.


    An, H. Y., Goodyear, R. K., Seo, Y. S., Garrison, Y. L., Baek, K. Y., & Cho, H. J. (2020). Supervisor style as a predictor of relationship quality and supervisee satisfaction: Perceptions of U.S. and South Korean supervisees. Asia Pacific Education Review, 21, 487-504.

    Kivlighan III, D. M., Ali, R., & Garrison, Y. L. (2020). Is there an optimal level of positive and constructive feedback in group therapy? A response surface analysis. Psychotherapy, 57(2), 174-183.

    Lustgarten, S. D., Garrison, Y. L., Sinnard, M. T., & Flynn, A. W. P. (2020). Digital privacy in mental healthcare: Current issues and recommendations for technology use. Current Opinion in Psychology, 36, 25-31.

    Kivlighan III, D. M., Aloe, A., Adams, M., Garrison, Y. L., Obrecht, A., Ho, S., Kim, J. Y. C., Hooley, I., Chan, L., & Deng, K. (2020). How large are group effects? A meta-analysis of the intraclass correlation coefficient in group therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(4), 322-337.

    Rice, A., Garrison, Y. L., & Liu, W. M. (2020). Spending as Social and Affective Coping (SSAC): Measure development and initial validation. The Counseling Psychologist, 48(1), 78-105.

    Park, S., Garrison, Y. L., & Liu, W. M. (2020). Career decision ambiguity tolerance of Asian men in the United States. Journal of Career Development, 47(6), 641-656.


    Garrison, Y. L., Sahker, E., Yeung, C. W., Park, S. & Arndt, S. (2019). Asian American and Pacific Islander substance use treatment completion. Psychological Services, 16(4), 636–646.

    Sahker, E., Garrison, Y. L., Yeung, C. W., Park, S., & Arndt, S. (2019). Treatment without diagnosis: The status of known diagnoses in US addictions treatment centres. International Journal of Drug Policy, 63, 97-100.

    Liu, W. M., Liu, R. Z., Garrison, Y. L., Kim, J. Y. C., Ho, Y. C., Chan, L., & Yeung, C. W. (2019). Racial trauma, microaggressions, and becoming racially innocuous: Acculturation and white supremacist ideology. American Psychologist, 74, 143-155.

    Ali, S. R., Pham, A. Z., Garrison, Y. L., & Brown, S. D. (2019). Project HOPE: Sociopolitical development and SCCT beliefs of Latinx and White rural middle school students. Journal of Career Development, 46, 410-424.


    Garrison, Y. L., Kim, J. Y. C., & Liu, W. M. (2018). A qualitative study of Korean men experiencing stress due to nonprestigious hakbeol. The Counseling Psychologist, 46, 786-813.

    Garrison, Y. L., & Liu, W. M. (2018). Using the social class worldview model in student affairs. New Directions for Student Services,162, 19-33.


    Garrison, Y. L., Liu, W. M., Yeung, C. W., Park, S., Sahker, E., & Conrad, M. (2017). The meaning of hakbeol within the context of educational meritocracy and prestige among South Korean college students. Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling, 7, 105-121.

    Garrison, Y. L., Lee, K.-H., & Ali, S. R. (2017). Career identity and life satisfaction: The mediating role of tolerance for uncertainty and positive/negative affect. Journal of Career Development, 44, 516-529.

    Garrison, Y. L., & Lee, K. H. (2017). Meaning in life among Korean college students based on emotionality and tolerance of uncertainty. Personality and Individual Differences, 112, 26-30.

    Liu, W. M., Latino, C., & Garrison, Y. L. (2017). Social class, classism, and race: Subjective worldviews and the role of rotating credit associations. In A. W. Blume (Ed.), Social issues in living color: Challenges and solutions from the perspective of ethnic minority psychology. ABC-CLIO/Praeger Publishing: Santa Barbara, CA.

    Ali, S. R., Brown, S. D., Loh, Y. (2017). Project HOPE: Evaluation of health-career education programming for Latino and rural youth. Career Development Quarterly, 65, 57-71.

    Sahker, E., Yeung, C., Garrison, Y. L., Park, S., & Arndt, S. (2017). Asian American and Pacific Islanders substance use treatment admission trends. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 171, 1-8.

    Lustgarten, S. D., Elchert, D. M., Cederberg, C., Garrison, Y. L., Ho, Y. C. (2017). Readability of informed consent documents at university counseling centers. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 30, 281-296.


    Loh, Y., & Lee, K.-H. (2012). The effect of mentor experience on career adaptability among university students. Asian Journal of Education, 13, 231-250.

    Loh, Y., & Kim, N.-R. (2012). How mentoring functions predict mentors’ leadership skills. GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 1(2), 35-39.

    Park, S., Loh, Y., Cho, E., & Lee, D.-G. (2011). Differences in interpersonal problems and happiness by the subgroups of anger expression styles. Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, 25(3), 77-92.

All Publication Lists By Year


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